
Watch this International Women’s Day Edition of Healing Yoga!



Healing Yoga - International Women's Day

On March 8, we celebrate the beautiful, intelligent, strong, passionate and inspiring women in our lives by recognizing International Women’s Day! While we should always strive to celebrate this magnificent gender – whether you are a woman or a man – this is truly the time of the year that we should pay a little extra attention.

With this in mind, “Healing Yoga” host Deborah Devine has created a special, International Women’s Day webisode!

“Let yoga be your secret weapon for maintaining your feminine wellbeing,” says Devine. “Celebrate International Women’s Day with these Healing Yoga tips that help optimize breast health, strengthen the lower body and support the pelvic organs.”

Healing Yoga - International Women's Day

Featured in the 11-minute video below, viewers are treated to a series of healthy gentle yoga tips, including:

Tip #1: Sun Breaths with Blocks
Connects the breath and calms the heart.

Tip #2: Shoulder Cycles with Belt
Strengthens and improves awareness of upper body.

Tip #3: Utkata Konasana (Goddess)
Strengthens and tones the core muscles.

Healing Yoga - International Women's Day

Tip #4: Virabhadrasana (Warrior 2)
Builds strength and stability in hips and glutes.

Tip #5: Supta Baddha Konasan (Reclining Goddess)
Relieves symptoms of menstruation and menopause.

“Healing Yoga” can be seen daily at 6am ET on VisionTV! The series can also be seen multiple times daily on our One sister station. Click here for more information.

Happy International Women’s Day everyone!

-Adam Grant

Vision NewsLetter

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