
A Virtual Seder Service For Your Celebration During Self-Isolation



No one knows exactly how to celebrate Passover 2020, and now 2021. Rituals will be revised, longtime family seder traditions will be upturned. When we ask, “Why is this night different from all other nights?”, the answer is more complex than before. We may be enduring a Plague not mentioned in the Haggadah, but, we are free. We can roam responsibly at a social distance, and can still express thanks to our front line workers, our doctors and nurses, and all of those who are ensuring that we have essential care, supplies, and services.

For anyone not familiar, the Passover Seder is a dinner that includes reading, storytelling, eating and drinking special foods and wine, singing, and other traditions. It’s held after sundown on the first and second nights of Passover to retell the story of the Jewish people’s exodus from Egyptian slavery over 3,000 years ago.

As the COVID-19 global pandemic has ushered in government requirements to physically distance, holding a traditional seder with anyone other than family members residing in the same household has been rendered impossible this year.

Direct from our friends at Baycrest, VisionTV is pleased to share this Passover Seder Service so you can follow along and feel connected to those you are missing around your table, no matter where you are.

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