

Monday, August 5 at Midnight ET / 9pm PT


ENGLAND 1554. Under the rule of Queen Mary I, England has been reduced to a country racked by financial and religious instability. When Mary dies, the young Elizabeth is crowned Queen.

While the country rejoices, Elizabeth relishes the return of her childhood sweetheart, Robert Dudley, but is advised to forget personal matters and address the problems facing the country from abroad.

Sir William Cecil, her chief advisor, says she must marry to secure the realm. While she cares only for Dudley, Elizabeth realizes she has to exert her authority forcefully in Court and in Europe if she is to survive.

With threats from both the French and Spanish, and putting her only trust in her chief confidant, Sir Francis Walsingham, she overcomes internal conspiracy and assassination attempts, wiping out all opposition to her leadership. No-one is is spared – except Dudley, who the Queen allows to survive as a reminder of the danger always confronting her.

Her triumph signals both her personal strategy and astonishing courage to achieve national unity.

Oscar®-winner Cate Blanchett earned an Academy Award® nomination for her break-out performance as Queen Elizabeth I of England. Academy Award®-winner Geoffrey Rush also shines in a strong supporting role.

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