
Meet Danny Wilson

Saturday, July 27 at 4pm ET / 1pm PT


Meet Danny Wilson casts a young, pre-legend, Frank Sinatra as Danny, a would-be singer, playing cheap saloons while waiting for the Big Break. Danny and his buddy Mike Ryan (Alex Nicol) find the going rough until they’re befriended by nightclub chirp Joy Carroll (Shelley Winters), who gets them a job in a nightspot run by crooked Nick Driscoll (Raymond Burr). Danny scores a hit, whereupon Driscoll demands 50% of his salary in perpetuity, leading to a violent climactic confrontation.

Meanwhile, Danny romantically pursues Joy, who seems more interested in Mike. Meet Danny Wilson proves beyond doubt that Frank Sinatra was capable of delivering a solid dramatic performance long before his “breakthrough” role in From Here to Eternity. Also starring Oscar-winner Shelley Winters. (1952)

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