
James Nesbitt & Hermione Norris Appreciate Cold Feet’s Success



Not all relationships – be it with family members, friends, or love interests – are perfect. In fact, it could be argued that the imperfections relationships have make them more interesting to observe, or work on improving.
During season seven of “Cold Feet,” several relationships hit seismic bumps in the road, while others blossomed like a flower fighting its way through a crack in the sidewalk. Both, in their own ways, have proved mightily interesting and tough to look away from.
With season eight confirmed to premiere later this year in the U.K., series stars remain appreciative of the audience that’s helped the “Cold Feet” story move along.

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“We’ve certainly loved making [‘Cold Feet’],” commented James Nesbitt. “This new series is more of life. Five, six ordinary people leading rather extraordinary lives at times – which is exactly what people are doing. Where there is dysfunction there is also function. Where there is love there is pain. Where there is romance there is recklessness. And I think ‘Cold Feet’ is all of that.”
As for Hermione Norris, she feels the deep connection between the series and its audience, and understands how important it is to give supporters their best effort.

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“More than any other show I’ve ever worked on I think Cold Feet is about the audience,” said Norris. “It’s not about us. We’ve always felt a sense of responsibility to [the audience] and a real desire to deliver something people will find comforting and funny that brings a bit of warmth into their lives. I hope it brings some love into the world. I can never be objective about it but I hope people enjoy it.”
-Adam Grant

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This week on the Season 7 finale of “Cold Feet” (Wednesday, January 10 at 10pm ET/7pm PT): David takes action after threats are made against his daughters, while Adam and Pete face issues with their significant others.

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